Who Are We?
Lambton County’s Leading Naturalist Organization
Actively protecting nature in Lambton County for over 50 years.

Lambton Wildlife Inc. is non-profit, volunteer, naturalist organization that was founded in 1966. We are a registered charity that is dedicated to the conservation, preservation, and protection of the natural environment in Lambton County. We are particularly concerned with the natural history of the county and the establishment and care of conservation areas and wildlife sanctuaries in the area.
Download the Guide to the Natural Areas of Lambton County (pdf)
Please see the Who Are We? page for info about what we do.
Please see the Our Board of Directors page for info about our team.
Please see the Mandaumin Woods and Karner Blue Sanctuary pages for info about our properties.
Please visit our newsletters page, Earthways, to view our latest newsletter.
The presentation from January, Experimental Lakes Area Research featuring Lauren Hayhurst, has been uploaded to the website. View it on the Indoor Presentations page.