Who Are We?

Lambton County’s Leading Naturalist Organization

Actively protecting nature in Lambton County for over 50 years.

Lambton Wildlife Inc. is non-profit, volunteer, naturalist organization that was founded in 1966. We are a registered charity that is dedicated to the conservation, preservation, and protection of the natural environment in Lambton County. We are particularly concerned with the natural history of the county and the establishment and care of conservation areas and wildlife sanctuaries in the area. 

Download the Guide to the Natural Areas of Lambton County (pdf)

Please see the Who Are We? page for info about what we do.
Please see the Our Board of Directors page for info about our team.
Please see the Mandaumin Woods and Karner Blue Sanctuary pages for info about our properties.
Please visit our newsletters page, Earthways, to view our latest newsletter.

The presentation from January, Experimental Lakes Area Research featuring Lauren Hayhurst, has been uploaded to the website. View it on the Indoor Presentations page.


Biodiversity in Agriculture
Biodiversity in Agriculture
February 6, 2025
Presented by Susan Chan at the Sarina Library Theatre, 124 Christina St. S. Sarnia on Wednesday February 26th at 7:00 pm
Christmas Bird Count for Kids CBC4KIDS
Christmas Bird Count for Kids CBC4KIDS
December 20, 2024
Hello Young Nats, Lambton Wildlife Inc. and the Young Nats are thrilled to be holding our 4th annual Christmas Bird Count for Kids (CBC4KIDS) on January 4th, 20...
AGM and Annual Awards
AGM and Annual Awards
May 8, 2024
All photos - Copyright: Mark Buchanan 2024Lambton Wildlife held our Annual General Meeting at the Dante Club on April 27. Thank you to everyone who attended, to all of the volunteers who ma...

Wildlife Photos

Butterflies and Other Insects
Reptiles and Amphibians
Greater White-fronted Geese
Painted Turtles
Snowy Owl
Monarch Butterfly
Tundra Swans
Wood Duck

Our Properties

Karner Blue Sanctuary
This dry oak-pine woodland is currently ranked by the NHIC as S1, extremely rare in Ontario. Until the late 1980’s this was the home of the Karner blue butterfly. The most notable flower is the wild lupine. Also found here are pipsissewa, large-leaved shinleaf, round-leaved pyrola, prairie ragwort, thyme-leaved sandwort, lyre-leaved rock cress, bearberry, plains puccoon, rough blazing star, cylindric blazing star and butterfly weed.
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Mandaumin Woods Nature Reserve
Mandaumin Woods Nature Reserve is a typical Carolinian woodlot in Lambton County comprised of Sugar Maple (34%), Basswood (18%), Beech (17%), White Ash (13%), Hickory (10%), Hop Hornbeam (8%), White Elm, Bitternut and Shagbark Hickories, Bur Oak, Blue Beech, Quaking Willow, Black Alder, Black Cherry, Hawthorne, and Black and Red Ash. The forest understory is blanketed with spring ephemerals from late April through May.
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Ongoing Conservation Concerns

December 13, 2020: The following two documents have timely information about some ongoing conservation concerns in the county (logging and pesticide application).

LWI Report to Members re Logging and Spraying (pdf)
Lambton County Heritage Forest (pdf)

The following document outlines our position on the Gypsy moth spray in Port Franks.

Gypsy Moth Spraying in Port Franks