If the allure of migrating raptors isn’t quite enough, Hawk Cliff is also a great place to see Monarch butterflies. These insects follow a similar route to the hawks and eagles when they head south for the winter, which means they also pass through the Hawk Cliff area.
As mentioned in a recent post, Thames Talbot Land Trust is inviting everyone to Hawk Cliff Weekends, featuring the dedication and official opening of Hawk Cliff Woods! The Hawk Cliff Weekends Celebration is a free outdoor event taking place on September 10th, 11th, 17th and 18th from 10am-3:30pm, with the dedication and official opening taking place on September 18th at 12:30pm. The celebration is hosted by the St Thomas Field Naturalist Club (STFNC), the Hawk Cliff Banders, and volunteers of Monarch Watch. The Thames Talbot Property runs along the west side of Hawk Cliff Road. Monarch butterfly and hawk talks are at 11am and 2pm on the four dates mentioned above, brought to you by the St Thomas Field Naturalist Club.
* The photo was taken at Hawk Cliff last September.
Getting to Hawk Cliff:
Hawk Cliff is really nothing more than a rough gravel road that goes south from Dexter Line and dead-ends at the lake. This is not a conservation area or a park. Parking for hawk watchers is along the sides of the narrow road, although last year there was a small area in a cornfield provided for parking. On weekends the road can get a bit crowded. Bring a chair, and binoculars of course. There has been a porta-potty near the end of the road in previous years, but that is the extent of facilities. There is a farmer’s field along the east side that provides the best viewing for migrating raptors, but this is private property and should be treated with respect.