The Dunes and Swales of Ipperwash – Where North meets South

The Dunes and Swales of Ipperwash – Where North meets South

Saturday was a perfect day for 45 nature enthusiasts to enjoy a beautiful hike!  The hike was hosted by Lambton Shores Nature Trails and led by Klaus Keunecke who provided information about the history of the trails before we headed out. dunes-and-swales-pre-hike The Dunes and Swales trail is well marked and there is a good map at the trail head.  Near the sign is a Tulip Tree (with distinctive stripy bark), a Carolinian tree, and looking down the trail a few meters you can see pine trees which are more indicative of northern climates.  Larry Cornelis pointed out what a unique habitat the area is because it is where “north meets south”.dunes-and-swales-tulip-tree dunes-and-swales-tall-pines

The trails are on 145 acres owned by Nature Conservancy Canada and run along 7 dunes parallel with the Lake Huron shoreline.dunes-and-swales-into-the-woods  Along the way we saw many interesting plants including the Winterberry (Ilex verticilatta) which is a species of holly and is an important food source for birds.dunes-and-swales-winterberry

One of the tallest ferns we saw along the trail is called a Royal Fern.dunes-and-swales-royal-fern

Partridge Berry (Mitchella repens).  Not to be confused with the Newfoundland “partridgeberry” which is a relative of lingonberry.dunes-and-swales-partridge-berrydunes-and-swales-wildflowers dunes-and-swales-maple-leaf dunes-and-swales-mushroom

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