Historical Document – 35th Anniversary Publication

Historical Document – 35th Anniversary Publication

Gerry Clements, one of the founding members of Lambton Wildllife Inc. has shared the historical document 35th Anniversary of Lambton Wildlife Inc.  LWI has an incredible history in Lambton County beginning with a commitment to participate, on an annual basis, in a national resident bird count.  In 1970 LWI became a Land Trust and in 1972 purchased Mandaumin Woods Nature Reserve after two years of fundraising.  In 1980 LWI identified the Wawanosh area as an important natural area to be preserved and in 1983 a donation of $10,000 was made to the St. Clair Conservation Authority toward its purchase.

In 1986 LWI once again recognized an area in need of protection and committed to fundraising for the Karner Blue Sanctuary.  The Karner Blue Sanctuary was officially opened in 1988, housing the last viable population of the rare and beautiful Karner Blue Butterfly in Canada. 1988 was a busy year as fundraising continued and money was donated to pay for the management of The Howard Watson Nature Trail (spearheaded and managed by LWI at the time).

In 1991, LWI led a project to provide funds for a mollusk survey on the Sydenham River,  providing important scientific data to researchers.  In 1994, LWI’s Plan to support the Carolinian Canada organization was fulfilled with a donation of $23,000 towards the acquisition of two properties purchased by Nature Conservancy Canada; the Port Franks Forested Dunes Nature Reserve and the Van Valkenburg property.

In 2000, LWI entered into a long term agreement with Lambton County Library to establish a research and reference collection concerning all aspects of flora and fauna pertinent to Lambton County.

This is just a few of the highlights of the first 35 years of Lambton Wildlife.  You can find the complete publication by clicking the following link (Lambton Wildlife 35 years PDF) or see below.

[flipbook pdf=”http://lambtonwildlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Lambton-Wildlife-35-years001.pdf”]


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