The Lambton Wildlife banquet, scheduled for Saturday, April 18, has been regretfully cancelled due to the present situation of the COVID 19. Hopefully, you understand the situation that we’re faced with and the safety of our members and those that host the banquet is first in our minds. Many thanks to those who supported us and purchased tickets early or donated items to the silent auction. We ask you for patience and understanding.
Ticket costs will be refunded as soon as possible once the situation stabilizes. You also have an option to move the monies paid towards the 2021 banquet. Please call or email Lori Clancy ( or 519-862-5198) to express your wishes and arrange for a refund when society normalizes, once we are all out of social distancing and isolation.
For those who donated items for the silent auction, items can be returned to your doorstep or donated to the Sydenham Field-Naturalist Banquet in the fall. Cindy Seward will call you to make arrangements.
We hope you are all well in this very unique situation.
Brandy Fenwick
Lambton Wildlife President
Lambton Wildlife’s Annual General Meeting is fast approaching April 18 at Camlachie United Church. The business meeting will begin at 4:30, silent auction at 5, a delicious dinner at 6 and then a wonderful presentation about Churchill Manitoba’s famous polar bears!
Tickets will be on sale at the February and March’s indoor meeting for $25 for adults and $9 for children. You can also get your tickets by calling Lori Clancy at (519) 312-9216.
We are asking for donations for our silent auction and door prizes. Please bring items that are new, nature-related, or consumable to one of our indoor meetings or contact Cindy Seward (519)-331-9512 or Brandy Fenwick (519)-330-4193.