Lambton Wildlife Inc. is very excited to announce that the fundraising campaign to expand the Sydenham River Nature Reserve has been successful! The 100-acre parcel of Carolinian zone habitat adjacent to the existing Sydenham River Nature Reserve has been purchased!
Thank you to everyone who made a donation toward this incredibly important initiative. A total of $78,169.03 was raised! Without the generous support of people like you this purchase would not have been possible! The newly acquired 100-acre property, purchased by Ontario Nature with the support of Lambton Wildlife and many other nature groups, is part of the Carolinian Zone, a region that has more flora and fauna species than any other Canadian ecosystem. The property is teeming with life and several rare and endangered species have been identified.
“Large tracts of forest are incredibly rare in southern Ontario. This reserve protects the largest remaining forest along the Sydenham River, and will remain a home for turtles, birds, rare Carolinian plants and countless other species.” – Tanya Berkers, President, Lambton Wildlife Inc.
• To date, 38 species at risk and 28 rare species have been observed on or near the Sydenham River Nature Reserve.
• The 100-acre property contains mostly mature forest and wetlands, along with a portion of farm field.
• With this purchase the Sydenham River Nature Reserve grew by more than 50 percent.
• The property is home to endangered cerulean warblers and red-headed woodpeckers, and special concern bald eagles and northern map turtles.