President’s Year-end Report

President’s Year-end Report

Hello Lambton Wildlife Members!  I have been so pleased to be president of Lambton Wildlife through such an important year. Despite  many challenges, we have maintained a strong community of active learners, protected important Carolinian habitat, and we are pushing for habitat protection and improvement throughout the county.  Many of our activities continue to be held online. While this does have some drawbacks and we all  miss seeing one another in person, we have been able to reach more people who care about the  species and habitats around them with our virtual presentations. We learned about ethnobotanical studies at Aamjiwnaang from Sharilyn…
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LWI 2022 Environmental Award

LWI 2022 Environmental Award

Presented to Lynn Tremain For her work to educate the public about plastics in the environment and for her significant cleanup efforts. What started as a month-long beach cleanup pledge in April 2021 has become a year of education and activism. Lynn Tremain has since cleaned almost 15 km of beach, collected nearly 700 mylar balloons (and countless other items), and started an Instagram account (@grancleansthebeach) to document and share her findings. She has been promoting the current e-3730 petition in Canada's House of Commons to ban the release of balloons in Canada, and she has been interviewed on CBC…
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LWI 2022 Meritorious Service Award 

LWI 2022 Meritorious Service Award 

Presented to Roberta Buchanan For her significant volunteer stewardship of the local environment and contributions to Lambton Wildlife operations and activities. Roberta is a long-time Lambton Wildlife volunteer who gets things done! One of Roberta’s earliest connections with Lambton Wildlife was through her fundraising efforts in the early 1990s. Under Roberta’s direction, Northern High school held an annual Envirobash with the proceeds of the environmental games and activities going to Lambton Wildlife. Roberta continued her involvement with the club over the years, but increased her activities in 2013 when she took over as Property Manager of the Mandaumin Woods Nature…
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Volunteer Day – Sunday April 10th

Volunteer Day – Sunday April 10th

Volunteers Needed! Mandaumin Woods Nature Reserve Volunteer Day – April 10 (rain date April 12), 2022 Lambton Wildlife Inc. needs your help! When: Sunday, April 10, 2022; 9:30 - 11:30 A.M. (weather permitting) Where: Mandaumin Woods Nature Reserve (located on Mandaumin Road just south of the village of Mandaumin - parking is on the West (park) side of the road Photo credit - Mark Buchanan What: Clearing trails and picking up garbage Needed: Everyone must wear eye protection, work gloves, and closed-toed shoes(appropriate for wet conditions)   Provided: Loppers and trash grabbers Contact: Roberta Buchanan ( both photos in this post credit - Mark Buchanan
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Intersections of Science, Social Media & Insects

Intersections of Science, Social Media & Insects

A former Lambton-County resident, Dr. Morgan Jackson is a PhD entomologist who has found a real love for communicating his passion via podcasts, blogs and social media. Fascinated by flies, biodiversity, and taxonomy, Dr. Morgan Jackson, has found a way to share the fascinating world of insects by embracing and incorporating social media into his day to day research. You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: Mar 28, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Topic: LWI Virtual Series:  Intersections of Science, Social Media and Insects Register in advance for this webinar: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information…
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Nature Canada’s Bird Friendly City Program 

Nature Canada’s Bird Friendly City Program 

Nature Canada's Bird Friendly City Program seeks to ensure our urban environments are safe havens for birds rather than a source of threats. Autumn Jordan, one of the program’s  organizers will explain what this program entails. Following Autumn, we will hear from a representative from Sarnia’s Bird Friendly City Action Team, to describe the local process in Sarnia. You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: Feb 28, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Topic: LWI Virtual Series: Bird Friendly City Program Register in advance for this webinar: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
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Mole Salamanders of Southern Ontario

Mole Salamanders of Southern Ontario

Few understand the ecology and astonishing abilities of mole salamanders,a small mostly subterranean amphibian.  Ron Gould, a biologist with Ontario Parks, will review of the types of species you are likely to encounter in your nature hikes, their interesting and often complicated genetic relationships, habitat and seasonal movement patterns, pitfalls to their survival, as well as ways you can improve both our environment for salamanders and your chances of seeing them in the wild. You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: Jan 31, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Topic: LWI Virtual Series: Mole Salamanders of Southern Ontario Register in advance…
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