Volunteers Needed!

Volunteers Needed!

Mandaumin Woods Nature Reserve Volunteer Day – April 15, 2023 Lambton Wildlife Inc. needs your help! When: Saturday, April 15, 2023; 1:00 - 2:30 P.M.  Where: Mandaumin Woods Nature Reserve (located on Mandaumin Road just south of the village of Mandaumin - parking is on the West (park) side of the road What: Clearing trails and picking up garbage Needed: Everyone must wear eye protection, work gloves, and closed-toed shoes(appropriate for wet conditions)   Provided: Loppers and trash grabbers Contact: Roberta Buchanan (roberta.buchanan@icloud.com)
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The Importance of Forests

Renowned local naturalist and past president of Lambton Wildlife, Larry Cornelis will cover the history of our local Carolinian forests and Carolinian indicator species. We all have a significant relationship with trees and forests and Larry will explain why they deserve more respect as living organisms. Please join us March 27 @ 7:00 pm at the YMCA Learning Centre, 660 Oakdale Ave, Sarnia, Room 47. Seating is limited so arrive early. Banquet tickets for the April 22, 2023 AGM will be on sale for $30. Donations to the bucket draw could be brought to this meeting. We are looking for new or gently used nature themed items or consumable items.
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Polar Bears: Rulers of the North

Monday Feb. 27, Lambton Wildlife is hosting a presentation on Polar Bears: Rulers of the North. These animals are the largest land predator in the world and our speaker, Roberta Buchanan, will tell us about the behaviour of these magnificent animals in their natural habitat as they gather to await the formation of sea ice near Churchill, Manitoba. The spectacular photography of Mark Buchanan will be featured. All are welcome! YMCA Learning Centre, 660 Oakdale Ave, Sarnia @ 7:00 pm.  Next month's presentation is by Larry Cornelis on the Importance of Forests on Monday, March 27.
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Mandaumin Woods Nature Reserve 50th Celebration

Mandaumin Woods Nature Reserve 50th Celebration

On May 1, Lambton Wildlife Inc. celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the purchase of Mandaumin Woods Nature Reserve. Roberta Buchanan, property manager for the reserve, welcomed more than 75 people to the celebration and introduced Gerry Clements, one of the founding members of Lambton Wildlife. Gerry spoke about the purchase of the property and the importance of preserving natural spaces in Lambton County.  Four expert naturalists took groups along the reserve’s trail to look at wildflowers, trees, and birds.  Mandaumin Woods Nature Reserve is a beautiful Carolinian forest and is home to an impressive array of species that helps to…
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LWI 2022 Environmental Award

LWI 2022 Environmental Award

Presented to Lynn Tremain For her work to educate the public about plastics in the environment and for her significant cleanup efforts. What started as a month-long beach cleanup pledge in April 2021 has become a year of education and activism. Lynn Tremain has since cleaned almost 15 km of beach, collected nearly 700 mylar balloons (and countless other items), and started an Instagram account (@grancleansthebeach) to document and share her findings. She has been promoting the current e-3730 petition in Canada's House of Commons to ban the release of balloons in Canada, and she has been interviewed on CBC…
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LWI 2022 Meritorious Service Award 

LWI 2022 Meritorious Service Award 

Presented to Roberta Buchanan For her significant volunteer stewardship of the local environment and contributions to Lambton Wildlife operations and activities. Roberta is a long-time Lambton Wildlife volunteer who gets things done! One of Roberta’s earliest connections with Lambton Wildlife was through her fundraising efforts in the early 1990s. Under Roberta’s direction, Northern High school held an annual Envirobash with the proceeds of the environmental games and activities going to Lambton Wildlife. Roberta continued her involvement with the club over the years, but increased her activities in 2013 when she took over as Property Manager of the Mandaumin Woods Nature…
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Volunteer Day – Sunday April 10th

Volunteer Day – Sunday April 10th

Volunteers Needed! Mandaumin Woods Nature Reserve Volunteer Day – April 10 (rain date April 12), 2022 Lambton Wildlife Inc. needs your help! When: Sunday, April 10, 2022; 9:30 - 11:30 A.M. (weather permitting) Where: Mandaumin Woods Nature Reserve (located on Mandaumin Road just south of the village of Mandaumin - parking is on the West (park) side of the road Photo credit - Mark Buchanan What: Clearing trails and picking up garbage Needed: Everyone must wear eye protection, work gloves, and closed-toed shoes(appropriate for wet conditions)   Provided: Loppers and trash grabbers Contact: Roberta Buchanan (roberta.buchanan@icloud.com) both photos in this post credit - Mark Buchanan
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Sydenham River Nature Reserve has been purchased!

Sydenham River Nature Reserve has been purchased!

Lambton Wildlife Inc. is very excited to announce that the fundraising campaign to expand the Sydenham River Nature Reserve has been successful! The 100-acre parcel of Carolinian zone habitat adjacent to the existing Sydenham River Nature Reserve has been purchased! Thank you to everyone who made a donation toward this incredibly important initiative. A total of $78,169.03 was raised! Without the generous support of people like you this purchase would not have been possible! The newly acquired 100-acre property, purchased by Ontario Nature with the support of Lambton Wildlife and many other nature groups, is part of the Carolinian Zone, a region that has more…
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