They’re Back!

They’re Back!

Who’s back? Well the birds- at least some of them. The warm weather and longer days has me wishing I could go out everyday.! This last week I managed to get out to Wawanosh, Perch Creek , Hiawatha Park , Dow Wetlands and a car tour of Lambton County. Insert meadowlark here             I was lucky enough to find Meadowlarks at Dow Wetlands and Kettle Point. I’ve heard they had been seen elsewhere too! Cedar waxwings are also back- filling the air with their trilling calls. The Killdeers are calling, the bald eagles nest sitting and the hawks are paired off!…
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Too Cold For Singing Frogs And Toads

Too Cold For Singing Frogs And Toads

The weather did not co-operate for the LWI Frogs and Toads outing in April of this year. North winds were blowing over the Dow Wetlands and the temperature was a bit above zero. Everyone thought they were dressed for the outing. Most soon realized that they could have been better covered. Toques, hoods, gloves and winter coats were needed. Regardless, twenty people were interested enough to meet tour leader Kim Gledhill for the tour. The LWI Guide to Natural Areas of Lambton County, 2009, reports “the idea for the Dow Wetlands was born when a large quantity of clean soil…
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