Experience This Amazing Natural Area

Experience This Amazing Natural Area

Lambton Shores Nature Trail Committee  will be leading a nature appreciate hike on their newest trail at the Ipperwash Dunes & Swales Nature Reserve. The 4.5 kilometre Beach Trail will take hikers through coastal wetlands, dune lands and along the Lake Huron shoreline. Meet at the Lambton County parking lot, behind the old Montana's at 9am to car pool out to the Ipperwash area. Wear comfortable shoes and bring your camera, binoculars and some water! Members are invited to stick around after for lunch at a local restaurant. Dunes & Swales Trail Map For more information, check out the event…
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Ipperwash Dunes and Swales

Ipperwash Dunes and Swales

Tour this Nature Conservancy property on the new trails that the Lambton Shores Nature Trail Committee (LSNTC) have created. This is an amazing natural area featuring rare flora and fauna in unique habitats. You'll want to come back here again and again. Fall colours should still be great. This is a joint outing with the LSNTC. Lunch at a local restaurant for anyone interested. Meet at 9am at the Lambton Mall parking lot behind the old Montana's.
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Beauty on a Wing: Up To 80 Species of Butterflies Fly Into Lambton

Beauty on a Wing: Up To 80 Species of Butterflies Fly Into Lambton

Butterflies belong to the order "lepidoptera". Their suborder is rhoplocera and within it are two superfamilies-papilionoidea (true butterflies) and hesperioidea (skippers). Worldwide there are about 14,500 species of butterflies. In North America, north of the Rio Grande, there are 717 species. In Lambton County, there are 75 to 80 species. The life cycle of a butterfly is amazing. It consists of four stages of development: egg, caterpillar, and adult. The process of changing from one form to another is called "metamorphosis". (more…)
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