Botany Walk June 18th, 2016

Felicia Syer lead the walk on the Howard Watson Nature Trail on a beautiful Saturday. We had large enough turn out that at times we blocked the trail. Tony, the chair of the Bluewater Trails committee was there, and he did a good job keeping our group from being run over by passing bikers. Felicia highlighted many of the tall grass prairie plants that grow along the trail. This habitat is very rare in Canada and not that common in Southwestern Ontario. Here she is showing us a stiff-leaved goldenrod. From left to right Tony, Sharon and Felicia. Another significant…
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Lambton Wildlife Inc at Sarnia’s Hobbyfest

The Sarnia Hobbyfest was held on July 17, 2016 at Centennial Park.  The Lambton Wildlife booth was one of about forty on display. Temperature wise, is was cool to start the day and gradually warmed up to short sleeve weather.  The wind was the biggest issue as strong gusts were coming from Sarnia Bay.  Our canopy was anchored with sand bags, but at times it needed a human anchor to keep it from being relocated several metres east! The crowd did not appear to be very large, but that could have been due to the large area covered by the…
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