Young Naturalists Enjoyed a Successful Christmas Bird Count!

Young Naturalists Enjoyed a Successful Christmas Bird Count!

A big thank you to all the leaders and participants for a successful Christmas Bird Count in Canatara Park on December 29. The data that was gathered is submitted to Bird Studies Canada and adds important information about bird populations and helps to develop conservation strategies. Fifteen children participated in the count and they were able to use binoculars provided to the young naturalists program with funding from Nova Chemicals and Vortex Binoculars. Mike Kent (Young Naturalists leader), Sean Jenniskens, Amy Virostek, Brandon Edwards, Brandy Fenwick, Sharon Nethercott, and Anne Goulden all assisted with the bird count.
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Canatara Turtles

Canatara Turtles

There are many indicators that spring is about to happen in Canatara Park. For some it is seeing old friends that have not been in the park since last fall. Others look forward to the return of the Warblers and the first Yellow Rump. Others are looking for spring flowers. But for some, it is sighting the first turtle of the year. This year, I understand the first turtle was seen in February during the unusually warm pre-spring weather. The turtles usually start to appear when the ice has melted and the weather has warmed. Canatara has two turtles that…
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Ecosystem Restoration and Natural Landscaping

Ecosystem Restoration and Natural Landscaping

Junior Conservationists July 22nd — Ecosystem Restoration and Natural Landscaping with Felicia Syer-Nicol Canatara Park 10am-3pm Canatara Park is a local hotspot not only for beach-goers, but also species at risk, resident owls, migrant songbirds, impressive trees, and a mixture of habitats. The area we call Canatara Park today has gone through many changes over the years, mostly due to human development. Today, values have shifted realizing the importance of green space and nature. Protecting nature directly involves protecting natural habitat and restoring other spaces. Join Felicia from Nature's Way Nurseries to help restore Canatara Park to a better habitat…
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Spring Songbird Migration in Canatara Park

Spring Songbird Migration in Canatara Park

Join us for our 3 Wednesday walks in Canatara Park. View resident and migrant birds. Each spring, migrant birds move through Canatara Park on their way to their nesting grounds. Walk with an expert birder to view resident and migrant birds. The walk leader is Eric Marcum (519-332-6122).  Eric is a long time birder with experience in the NE United States, northern Canada and many hours in and around Sarnia.  Eric’s experience in hearing and identifying bird songs adds to the experience. There are three walks scheduled starting on May 3 and continuing May 10 and May 17, 2017.  Start…
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Spring Songbird Migration in Canatara – Day 3

Spring Songbird Migration in Canatara – Day 3

View resident and migrant birds. Each spring, migrant birds move through Canatara Park on their way to their nesting grounds. Walk with an expert birder to view resident and migrant birds. The walk leader is Eric Marcum (519-332-6122).  Eric is a long time birder with experience in the NE United States, northern Canada and many hours in and around Sarnia.  Eric’s experience in hearing and identifying bird songs adds to the experience. There are three walks scheduled starting on May 3 and continuing May 10 and May 17, 2017.  Start time at 6:00 PM. The walk, beginning at the main…
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Spring Songbird Migration in Canatara – Day 2

Spring Songbird Migration in Canatara – Day 2

View resident and migrant birds. Each spring, migrant birds move through Canatara Park on their way to their nesting grounds. Walk with an expert birder to view resident and migrant birds. The walk leader is Eric Marcum (519-332-6122).  Eric is a long time birder with experience in the NE United States, northern Canada and many hours in and around Sarnia.  Eric’s experience in hearing and identifying bird songs adds to the experience. There are three walks scheduled starting on May 3 and continuing May 10 and May 17, 2017.  Start time at 6:00 PM. The walk, beginning at the main…
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Spring 2016 Walkabout Following the Bird Course

Spring 2016 Walkabout Following the Bird Course

Last year I attended the Birding Course put on by Lambton Wildlife over the course of several weeks. Many presenters shared their wisdom and experience on identifying, locating, and photographing birds, as well as the equipment and references needed to succeed as a birder. The last part of the event was a morning walk through Canatara Park on a beautiful morning, April 30th, 2016. Many of the course attendees showed up with their binoculars and their new found enthusiasm to identify birds by sight and sound. Larry Cornelis and Deryl Nethercott were two of the course's presenters and they pointed…
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Spring Songbird Migration in Canatara – Day 1

Spring Songbird Migration in Canatara – Day 1

View resident and migrant birds. Each spring, migrant birds move through Canatara Park on their way to their nesting grounds. Walk with an expert birder to view resident and migrant birds. The walk leader is Eric Marcum (519-332-6122).  Eric is a long time birder with experience in the NE United States, northern Canada and many hours in and around Sarnia.  Eric’s experience in hearing and identifying bird songs adds to the experience. There are three walks scheduled starting on May 3 and continuing May 10 and May 17, 2017.  Start time at 6:00 PM. The walk, beginning at the main…
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Mid April Avian Sightings, 2016

Mid April Avian Sightings, 2016

Last spring I purchased a 600mm lens and headed out to Canatara Park to see what birds I could spot, and to see if I could actually photograph any of them. To be honest, I wanted to see whether or not I was going to enjoy a longer lens. I'm not a birder, although I love them and wish I could identify more species than I can. I have often captured the birds visiting my feeders in the winter, but that's always been for fun and to document the species. Here are some of the shots I took on April…
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NTARP’s Canatara Bird Banding Results

NTARP’s Canatara Bird Banding Results

Carl Pascoe and Rachel Powless recently spoke as our November guest speakers. Carl is a Master Bander and NTARP's Research Director, while Rachel is a Bird Bander and the President of NTARP (Native Territories Avian Research Project). Below are excerpts from their 2016 Spring Migration Banding report that was written and sent to the City of Sarnia Parks Department and Lambton Wildlife Inc. Profound thanks to the City of Sarnia Parks Department, Lambton Wildlife Inc., especially Larry Cornelis for the opportunity to band birds at Canatara Park. Our success could not have been accomplished without the outpouring of Lambton Wildlife…
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