2nd Annual Christmas Bird Count for Kids Recap

2nd Annual Christmas Bird Count for Kids Recap

The 2019 Lambton County Christmas Bird Count for Kids (CBC4KIDS), hosted by LWI's Young Naturalist team and staffed by club volunteers was completed on Saturday, Dec 28th at Canatara Park, Sarnia Ontario. 25 kids, ages 6-12 participated with their parents or grandparents in our 2nd annual count. Although bird numbers were down, as is the case all over the continent, the kids and adults had a great time! It was wonderful to see so many children and youth interested in birds and nature over the holidays. With all generations involved, it made for a unique event blending outdoor activity, citizen science,…
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Sydenham River Nature Reserve Breeding Bird Survey

Sydenham River Nature Reserve Breeding Bird Survey

Fifty-three species of birds were reported at the Sydenham River Nature Reserve during the Breeding Bird Survey on Saturday June 8, 2019. There were five Species at Risk reported during the survey: Bald Eagle, Cerulean Warbler, Eastern Wood Pewee, Red-headed Woodpecker, and Wood Thrush. This biologically important nature reserve is owned by Ontario Nature with Lambton Wildlife and Sydenham Field Naturalists as stewards of the property.A big thank you to both Larry Cornelis for organizing the survey, and to all the volunteers who came out to assist: Quinton Wiegersma, Blake Mann, Edward lavender, Mike Kent, Larry Cornelis, Peter Chapman, Paul…
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Young Naturalists Enjoyed a Successful Christmas Bird Count!

Young Naturalists Enjoyed a Successful Christmas Bird Count!

A big thank you to all the leaders and participants for a successful Christmas Bird Count in Canatara Park on December 29. The data that was gathered is submitted to Bird Studies Canada and adds important information about bird populations and helps to develop conservation strategies. Fifteen children participated in the count and they were able to use binoculars provided to the young naturalists program with funding from Nova Chemicals and Vortex Binoculars. Mike Kent (Young Naturalists leader), Sean Jenniskens, Amy Virostek, Brandon Edwards, Brandy Fenwick, Sharon Nethercott, and Anne Goulden all assisted with the bird count.
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Free Thayer Birding Software for Kids –  The Young Birder Program

Free Thayer Birding Software for Kids – The Young Birder Program

Any young birders or students interested in birds and nature who are enrolled in pre-K, grade school, middle school or high school can download the new version 7.7 of Thayer’s Birds of North America – for FREE. Just visit www.ThayerBirding.com, select the Windows or the Mac download and enter our special code: LambtonWildlifeYoungBirder Then click the Apply button and Free Checkout. This amazing birding software, for Windows or Mac computers, features the 1,007 birds that have been seen in the continental United States and Canada. The software includes 6,856 color photos, 1,506 songs and calls, 552 video clips of birds…
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Join LWI for Hawk watching at Hawk Cliff – September 22, 2018

Join LWI for Hawk watching at Hawk Cliff – September 22, 2018

Hawk Cliff is recognized as one of the prime fall migration hawk watching destinations in all North America.   Every year hundreds of birders (and non-birders!) from Canada, the U.S. and other countries visit Hawk Cliff. Birders can normally expect to see 15 different raptor species, with typical count totals reaching several thousand birds per day. On a few exceptional occasions lucky visitors have witnessed the amazing spectacle of over 100,000 raptors of various species migrating past Hawk Cliff in a single day! Others come to enjoy the many song birds and Monarchs that also pass Hawk Cliff on their…
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Point Pelee National Park Camping Trip 2017

Point Pelee National Park Camping Trip 2017

Point Pelee National Park is a spectacular park to visit in any season, especially known for its spring and fall migration and its incredible biodiversity.  Seven Lambton Wildlife members were fortunate enough to camp there from September 6th to the 9th. Where to begin …. The best place to begin is to say a big THANK YOU to Paul Carter who did an outstanding job organizing the camping trip. His expertise, along with the expertise of Larry Cornelis, was truly appreciated by everyone.  Each time we have the opportunity to hike with Paul and Larry we learn so much! You…
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Springtime in Mandaumin Woods

Springtime in Mandaumin Woods

Spring is such an incredible time of year.  As you walk through Mandaumin Woods in the springtime you will be treated to so many wonderful sights and sounds. Stop and listen to the number of different bird songs that are all around you – spring is a time when birds are migrating through Mandaumin woods and it is not unusual to see 20 or more species in a single outing!  One of my favorite groups of birds are the Warblers.  These colorful little birds find refuge in Mandaumin Woods as they find their way to breeding grounds further north.  I…
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Spring Songbird Migration in Canatara – Day 2

Spring Songbird Migration in Canatara – Day 2

View resident and migrant birds. Each spring, migrant birds move through Canatara Park on their way to their nesting grounds. Walk with an expert birder to view resident and migrant birds. The walk leader is Eric Marcum (519-332-6122).  Eric is a long time birder with experience in the NE United States, northern Canada and many hours in and around Sarnia.  Eric’s experience in hearing and identifying bird songs adds to the experience. There are three walks scheduled starting on May 3 and continuing May 10 and May 17, 2017.  Start time at 6:00 PM. The walk, beginning at the main…
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How Geocaching Helped Us Find a Piping Plover

How Geocaching Helped Us Find a Piping Plover

My husband Deryl and I spend much of our leisure time exploring the great outdoors. Our love for birding and photography has taken us to many locations in Ontario and beyond. In the past few years, we have added Geocaching to the mix. Geocaching is a high tech treasure hunting “game” that uses a GPS device to find hidden containers in both rural and urban areas. Some people describe it as using billion dollar satellites to find Tupperware in the woods. After signing the log in the container to prove you found the cache, geocachers go on-line and write about…
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Mid April Avian Sightings, 2016

Mid April Avian Sightings, 2016

Last spring I purchased a 600mm lens and headed out to Canatara Park to see what birds I could spot, and to see if I could actually photograph any of them. To be honest, I wanted to see whether or not I was going to enjoy a longer lens. I'm not a birder, although I love them and wish I could identify more species than I can. I have often captured the birds visiting my feeders in the winter, but that's always been for fun and to document the species. Here are some of the shots I took on April…
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